Nice to meet you!

I’m a former processed food junkie turned real food enthusiast.

Ditch the learning curve and dive into your real food goals armed with the tips and tricks and insights I wish I knew a decade ago.

Learn with me…

Over a decade ago, our family left the rat race, moved to the country, started growing and raising some of our own food & intentionally simplified some things.

But a few things were really hard for me to figure out… after long learning curves, and too many mistakes to count, i gradually mastered things like making maple syrup, making our own kombucha, dehydrating most of our garden harvest, and milling our own fresh flour.

As I mastered these skills, I poured everything I learned into the resources above that I’ve created just for you.

Check out my favorites…










Use code SOULYRESTED to save on every one of my in-depth masterclasses:

Kombucha Academy

Maple Syrup University

Dehydrating Academy



A Few More Things Folks Often Ask About…

My robot vacuum is amazing. It docks and empties itself and does a great job navigating all of our old, difficult floors.

We heat our old farmhouse entirely with wood, so this Firewood Cart/Carrier is invaluable to us.

We are a game-fanatical family. Here’s our list of all the best games (and why).

Need the Best Winter Gear?

Click here to see all the ways we gear up for winter.