This Cookie May be the Best Thing You’ve Ever Baked in Cast Iron

From baking cookies in cast iron to making new discoveries, I’ve been having a pretty good week around the homestead. baking in cast iron

Pretty-good-week fact #1: After unearthing an amazing light fixture this fall on our property’s centuries-old midden, I convinced my husband it should become our kitchen table light… and I LOVE it.

Pretty-good-week fact #2: After years of enjoying my dovetailed wooden box “magazine holder,” I inspected it closely the other day.

I researched its markings, and I discovered that I was the proud owner of a box that housed nothing finer than . . .

wait for it . . .

original American Chocolate.

With a capital “c.” Because this company–the Walter Baker & Company–was established in 1780 as the premier producer of American chocolate.

I’m not sure if I was more astounded that our founding fathers had the stamina to declare national independence without the fortitude that only chocolate can provide, or that I actually own a piece of this history.

baking in cast iron

baking in cast iron

And pretty-good-week fact #3? After days of icy, slippery steps, we were grateful for a fresh coat of powdery beauty to steady our boots as we navigated through our daily chores for the animals.

One evening–after trudging through the cold to give Scout her evening hay, close up the ducks and chicken, and break up the ice in the rabbits’ water bowls–we were elated to be greeted by the smell of a cookie in the oven when our chores were done.

Yep, one cookie.

But it’s quite possibly the best thing I ever bake in my cast iron pans. Yes, baking cookies in cast iron is the best therapy I know of after a cold winter’s afternoon of farm chores. Keep scrolling for the gotta-have-this-one recipe.

baking in cast iron

baking in cast iron

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I usually use my 10 1/2″ griddle for this cookie, but I’ve also used my 14″ cast iron pizza pan to make one extra-large cookie, when I’m feeding a crowd.

I should say that my favorite cast iron cookies are the ones I bake in my 5″ individual-sized pans. But you don’t need a recipe for those. I simply use the Nestle Toll House recipe (on the bag) and place a giant ball (about 3 cookies worth of dough) on each pan. When I take them out of the oven, I place them on oven-safe pottery plates (so we don’t have to touch the hot pans while we devour the warm cookies), top them with ice cream, and of course always serve them with tall glasses of chilled milk.

If you like this recipe, be sure to try out another cast iron baking favorite of mine: Grandmom’s Blueberry Cake in Cast Iron.

So, to sum up the recent homestead happenings . . .

Turning found treasures into a light source? A job I allocate to my amazing husband.

Telling the story of my newly-found, long-ago-aquired chocolate box? A job I take on wholeheartedly.

Baking cookies in cast iron pans? A job I’m happy to devour.

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Print Recipe
Decadent Cast Iron Cookie Recipe
Course dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
  1. Heat oven to 350 while mixing sugars, butter, vanilla, and egg.
  2. Stir in flour and baking soda, then add chocolate chips.
  3. Spread dough in a 10 1/2" cast iron griddle pan. (Use a paper towel to rub pan in thin layer of shortening if pan is not well seasoned.)
  4. Bake 15-20 minutes, or until center seems done.
Recipe Notes

To make an amazing extra-large cookie in an extra-large, 15" cast iron pan, simply increase serving size above to 12 servings and bake an extra 5-10 minutes. Of course, I know you can't add one and a half eggs, so you're gonna have to make a judgement call there. With our farm fresh eggs, I will choose one extra large one or two extra small ones. (We always have young hens as well as adult hens on the homestead, and their egg sizes vary greatly, which comes in very handy sometimes.)

We also love making single-serving chocolate chip cookies in individual-size mini cast iron griddle pans. For that, we have found that using the standard cookie recipe on the Nestle Toll House chip bag yields the best results. We'll put a large mound on the single-serving cast iron pan and bake for 8-10 minutes or until center is done. Then we top the warm-out-of-the-oven individual cookies with ice cream and eat dessert right out of the pan.

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These are the three sizes/styles of cast iron pans that I’ve found work best for baking cookies. And I’ve tried a LOT of cast iron pans, from heirloom to new, from tiny to huge, from griddles to skillets. I mean someone had to do the difficultly delicious research. 🙂 You can trust me when I say these three styles/sizes of cast iron pans make the world’s best cookies:

Other cast iron products I love:

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15 thoughts on “This Cookie May be the Best Thing You’ve Ever Baked in Cast Iron”

  1. Looks yummy! I love finding treasures. We bought an old house one time, and the previous owner left behind several old dishes…nothing as old as your box of course!

    1. Hi Kathi! I know, I can’t believe I’ve owned and used the box for years without realizing it’s amazing history. And the cookie is amazingly delicious. 🙂

  2. That cookie looks amazing! I wonder if I can transform it into a Gluten free version. Hmm… or Maybe I’ll just make it for the family 😉 I’m sure they’d LOVE it!

    Have a Blessed Day!

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