Sweet Maple, available now.

Sustainable living is important to me.
A few years ago, my family started on our homestead journey. We started growing our own food, canning our fruits and veggies, raising our own meat, and even milking our own Holstein, named Scout. Meet Scout, and her sweet calf, in this little video.–>
I wasn’t a huge fan of maple syrup.
So there we were enjoying all this “real food” on our homestead, even fresh milk from our own grass-fed cow (which is loaded with natural enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals), but never once thinking about the huge amount of refined sugar we were consuming. Even after my husband tapped a few trees, I still didn’t think much about it. To be honest, I never cared for real maple syrup. At least, not until I tasted it fresh from our own trees, right in our back yard.
But now I love this all-natural sweetener!
Now I can’t get enough. I use it for baking, and I (almost magically) turn it into pure maple sugar to sweeten my morning cup of tea. I love that it’s an all-natural sweetener loaded with antioxidants that support the body’s immune system, it supports heart health, and it has less calories than refined sugar and almost half the calories of honey!
But, best of all, I know exactly where it comes from–it’s not refined and processed in a factory, but it comes from my own trees right in my own back yard. Talk about farm-to-table and sustainable living!
If you’d like to order a copy, simply click on the book image below.

So what’s all the hype about?
Hop over here for a link to a recent Pioneering Today podcast I recorded with Melissa K. Norris. Aaahhhh, talk of favorite family recipes, cast iron, and maple syrup. Doesn’t get much sweeter than that, ya’ll.
When pre-sales go live, you’ll be able to order your copy of Sweet Maple right here. (affiliate link)
Or check out my video, where I explain more about Sweet Maple. You can also meet my cows, get a glimpse into our New England sugarbush, and see what my teens are REALLY thinking.–>
Read on for information about my book, Sweet Maple.
Sweet Maple: Backyard Sugarmaking from Tap to Table, available Oct 1, 2019, is an instructional book for anyone who yearns to delve into the magic of backyard sugarmaking. But it’s also the story of…
…one family’s connection to the past on a small New England sugar farm
…one homesteader’s revelation into the joys and health benefits of all-natural sugar, and
…one kitchen’s transformation from reliance on refined sugar to immersion in an all-natural alternative.
In Sweet Maple, I guide you in all-natural syrup production. I detail the directions for tapping one tree or dozens. And I share my family’s tried-and-true maple recipes. Sweet Maple covers it all–from tap to table–with inspiring storytelling every step of the way.
But, really, take a second to watch this video. It’s a trailer about the book.

I have some sweet gifts for you. Really.
Get started on your journey toward healthier, more natural eating today, with the numerous resources in my Resource Library, free to download and enjoy a wealth of information, including:
A yummy (piece-of-cake easy!) recipe for Maple Cream Icing.
A printable list of the 23 trees that are popular for tapping across the U.S. (And even around the world!)
Links to helpful resource pages to aid you if you consider tapping your trees.
An impressive list of ingredients in all-natural maple sweeteners. (Compared to refined sugar, there’s no comparison.)
A recipe for Maple Sap Switchel (This amazing homemade electrolyte drink is like Gatorade but so much better!)
Type your email below, to receive my weekly-ish newsletter, and you can dive into my Resource Library right away.
And there are two extra special gifts I’m giving away.
Here’s what others are saying about Sweet Maple, the book.
Michelle masterfully walks the reader through not only the romance of sugaring, but also the practical steps of each process. And thankfully, regardless of whether or not you plan to harvest your own syrup, the mouth-watering maple-infused recipes can be made by anyone. I highly recommend adding this book to your homesteading library!
—Jill Winger, ThePrairieHomestead.com
Who knew Maple Syrup was healthy? Michelle opens up a whole new world of sweet secrets in her gorgeous book, Sweet Maple! Be forewarned: Michelle will have you tapping one of 23 different kinds of trees, making delicious syrup as a family, and making your own natural sugar before you know it!! Carve out a little time to read this delightfully intriguing book because you won’t be able to put it down. Sweet Maple is a must-have!
Michelle and her family’s passion and perseverance can inspire not only the suburbanite who might like to tap a sizable maple tree in the backyard, but also the more serious maple syrup makers in well-treed rural areas. Her informational and enthusiastic writing will encourage many readers to experience making maple syrup for themselves. Also, the artistic photographs lend much appeal to the reading of Sweet Maple. Congratulations are in order for Michelle’s first homesteading book! —David Tatnall , Extension Horticulturist, University of Delaware
No need to take years learning the hard lessons of making your own maple syrup. Michelle takes you along with her family making you feel like you are right there learning the ins and outs of making maple syrup that took her years to learn.
—Al Lumnah, of Lumnah Acres youtube channel
In Sweet Maple, Michelle infuses beauty and practicality into the annual event that kicks off the spring season of hope and promise—making maple syrup! Despite the labor sugaring season may bring, the payoff in deliciously sweet, rich, golden syrup is totally worth every bit of it. Michelle’s joy in the season is infectious. In fact, before you’re through reading it, you’ll be longing for February to come so you can start drilling your taps and putting into practice the information laid out in Sweet Maple. Be forewarned: the collection of recipes is dangerous! And it’s no wonder with recipes like Raised Donuts with Maple Glaze, Maple Fudge, Cinnamon Maple Bagels, and Maple Sourdough Bread. But what has me most intrigued is the maple sugar and maple cream. I can’t wait to try them all!
—Quinn Veon, author of Cake Stand: Fresh From the Market Farmstead Cakes and Farmstead Pie.
Here’s how to download two of my ebooks for FREE.
For your first “taste” of a maple-infused eBook, just click here or on the book image below to download the 15-page eBook Maple Goodness. This FREE download includes the secret to making the Best Ever Scones. Seriously. I don’t joke about scones.
Then take a second to subscribe to SoulyRested in the box below and you can download, also for FREE, the most popular item in my Resource Library–A SWEET TASTE–this giant, full-color, 5-chapter, 33-page eBook is my gift to you.
If you haven’t subscribed yet, just type in your email in the box below. Then go here, type in your password you’ll receive as soon as you subscribe, and enjoy! While you’re there be sure to check out my maple recipes too, like the Maple Blueberry Cake Baked in Cast Iron… honestly, “delicious” doesn’t get much more real than that y’all.
For another amazing resource, be sure to join my informative facebook group, Maple Syrup Making, where thousands of maple enthusiasts join to answer questions, share recipes, and help and inspire each other every day.
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For your own download of the amazing, free eBook, A Sweet Taste, as well as other FREE printouts and downloads about maple syrup and living a more simple lifestyle, sign up right here.