Celebrating Teens’ Independence

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle


celebrating their independence

I became the new owner of the most amazing old treasure at our library book sale. It’s dusty. It’s huge. It’s a tome of words… a dictionary printed in 1920.

A daughter sauntered over to me as I perused the historical fiction table and announced I had to see THIS. She knew I’d love it. She pulled me three tables down and a row over. “Look!” was her one-word invitation to glance at the richly marbled end papers and water stained, worn, embossed cover as she gingerly turned some of its thousands of pages of vernacular expressions, idioms, and agricultural and botanic terms from 1920.


I knew one particular entry I wanted to look for immediately. I’d heard this word didn’t exist prior to WWII. I’d heard this word was simply never a thought in a parent’s mind. It’s a word I use sparingly. It’s a word I dislike because of what it stands for.

Today I’m sharing my thoughts over on Proverbial Homemaker on this particular word, this beauteous book of words I unearthed, and my four daughters–3 teens and a 20-year-old–whose own words make me laugh, drive me crazy, and swell my heart with endearance.

So click over to my post today on Proverbial Homemaker… I know you wanna know what atrocious word I use sparingly… what word I immediately looked for in my printed-in-1920 treasured tome.

“Shame on us veteran moms if we make younger moms feel like their days are easy. We need to build up those who are still in the trenches of Barbies and diapers and sticky fingers. We need to encourage moms with young children to fight the good fight, bandage scrapes, enforce chores, listen (really listen) to long boring discussions about legos and lincoln logs, inspire respect, and demand kindness—all with the end in mind: Raising teenagers who will make a parent laugh until it hurts. Raising teenagers who will cause pride to swell in their parents’ hearts when they witness their independence as young adults who respect their parents, love others, and honor God.” –SoulyRested today, on Proverbial Homemaker

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And please follow along!

Please take a second to follow along here on SoulyRested to catch up on a few of my memorable mishaps, discover fascinating things about my centuries-old farmhouse, glean a little parenting/homeschooling insight from this momma who’s been failing at the effort for almost 2 decades, or enjoy the inside scoop on the secrets other legit homesteaders might not tell you.

And have you tried my a-MAAHZ-ing Maple Sugar Cookie recipe that’s in my Resource Library? You won’t find this deliciousness anywhere else… until Sweet Maple is in print this fall.

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