By Faith, Till the Work is Done

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

Since my first child was born, I have treasured our Easter family traditions. Indeed, Easter is my favorite holiday. So it seemed odd to me that our farm’s one-year anniversary fell on Easter Sunday. Almost sacrilegious. Easter: my most treasured holiday, filled with priceless memories.

Easter family traditions

A taped oven door, holding in the resurrection cookies (delicious, hollow, meringue cookies filled with meaning)…

Easter Resurrection Cookies

Scroll to the bottom to sign up for a free printable of how our family makes Resurrection Cookies.

New dresses, white tights, and lacy socks that reminded little girls that a child of God is dressed in beautiful linens of righteousness…

A dozen plastic resurrection eggs that, one day at a time, for weeks leading up to Easter, revealed a new facet of the jewels of the first Easter…

Happy Easter

These Easter family traditions helped us comprehend the immeasurableness of the grace that abounded on that first Maundy Thursday. These Easter family traditions helped us glimpse the power that overcame the grave on that first Easter Sunday. These Easter family traditions added up to 20 very special Sundays that have made me rich indeed.

So when my 15-year-old farmer realized that today–the 20th of my Mommyhood Easters–marked the 1-year anniversary of the beginnings of our farm menagerie… well, I didn’t like the idea much.

Yes, one year ago today she and I drove home with a mini van full of cackling hens and fuzzy rabbits. And, yes, owning a full-blown farm made me see Christmas in a whole new light a few months ago. But cow patties and muddy ducks didn’t seem to fit into what Easter should be about.

Ducks in a Row

Easter evening in the field

It turned out, as we walked through our day–this Easter Sunday–I realized the analogy was just about perfect– the alignment of Easter with this first anniversary for our homestead, a filled-with-hard-work-but-overflowing-with-manna homestead.

But don’t stop reading if you’re NOT living a farm life. Don’t stop reading if you will never be a homesteader. Stick with me. This beautiful idea will encourage you too. Because rewarding work with sweet results can happen anywhere–in a highrise or in the country; sitting behind a desk or sitting beside a baby’s crib; as a 5-year-old or as a 95-year-old.

God’s Faithfulness

Easter is, after all, a day filled with reminders of God’s grand design and faithfulness. A farm, filled with newborn animals and abundant fruit of the earth, reminds us of the creator’s grand design and faithfulness. This Easter Sunday, we were reminded of His sweet provision with the deep, confectionary aroma of boiling syrup from morning till evening. (My sweet husband–and lover of sweet maple syrup–even ran home between the church service and potluck lunch to check on the sugary goodness. Read along here if you’d like to know more about how we make maple syrup.)

Boiling sap

The creator’s abundant provision was obvious in the crystal clear sap that was running like liquid manna through tubes and into lidded buckets.

Easter sweet sap

Until the Work is Done

Easter is a day filled with reminders that we are called to walk by faith and fix our eyes on Him until the work is done. On a farm, the work is never done.

So I thought I’d share a glimpse into our family’s Easter day (that is the “before and after” of our Easter–before and after our church finery and worship service). Just a glimpse of the work many homesteaders do every day, with their eyes fixed, in faith, on our gracious creator who daily gives us glimpses into His faithfulness.

And I decided that Easter Sunday does, after all, share some similarities with every day on a farm. Spending a few reflective moments on Easter, or walking through a farm on any old day, one can realize God’s provisions and faithfulness in the midst of life’s difficulties and hard work. But through life, whether one is a homesteader or not, we all have to walk by faith…

Helping us Walk by Faith

By Faith, by Keith and Kristyn Getty.

By faith we see the hand of God

In the light of creation’s grand design

In the lives of those who prove His faithfulness

Who walk by faith and not by sight.

Easter laundry

We will stand as children of the promise

We will fix our eyes on Him, our soul’s reward

Till the race is finished and the work is done

We’ll walk by faith and not by sight.

Walking the cow to the stable

Easter Fence Posts


By faith the prophets saw a day

When the longed-for Messiah would appear

With the power to break the chains

of sin and death

And rise triumphant from the grave.

Our quirky ducks

By faith this mountain shall be moved

And the power of the gospel shall prevail

For we know in Christ all things are possible

For all who call upon His name.

Easter evening snack

We will stand as children of the promise

We will fix our eyes on Him our soul’s reward

Till the race is finished and the work is done

We’ll walk by faith and not by sight.

the laundry is never really done


I hope your today is filled with reminders of God’s grand design.

I hope your today is filled with reminders that He is faithful, even when we doubt.

I hope your today is filled with reminders that although our hours are full of work, the work can be rewarding, with sweet results, if we fix our eyes on Him until the work is done.


Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

Please follow along!

Please take a second to follow along here on SoulyRested to catch up on a few of my memorable mishaps, discover fascinating things about my centuries-old farmhouse, glean a little parenting/homeschooling insight from this momma who’s been failing at the effort for almost 2 decades, or enjoy the inside scoop on the secrets other legit homesteaders might not tell you.

I hope my focus always encourages you, because simple joys require hard work. Let’s face it, we all need all the encouragement we can get! As soon as you subscribe (in the box at the end of this post), you’ll have immediate access to my Resource Library, which includes many useful printables, my FREE EBOOKs, and amazing recipes for things like whoopie pie cookies, maple sap switchel, and my grandmom’s perfect pie crust.


♥ DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links. ♥

Many readers often ask what camera I use to take the images you find here on SoulyRested. I love my Nikon; you can read more about my camera on my Resources page and even purchase your own here.

Glance at my Resource Page if you’d like to get a glimpse of all the supplies I use and recommend for everything from gardening, to homeschooling, to chicken care, to nature journaling, to maple syrup making.

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Easter Sunday on a farm


Before you even scroll down and subscribe, I have a free eBook for you that might help your family live a little more simply and use a little less refined sugar. Download Maple Goodness here or just click on the eBook image below. Your family will truly love the Best Ever Maple Scone recipe in this free eBook.

Type your email address in the box below, or click here for the 33-page eBook, A Sweet Taste, and so much more.

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When your subscribe, you’ll have immediate access to my resource library, which includes a printable recipe and full directions for how to make Resurrection Cookies with a child on Easter weekend, along with my popular ebooks. Just sign up right here.

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4 thoughts on “By Faith, Till the Work is Done”

    1. Thank you, Rebekah. I’m in awe every day as I witness the farm that God is growing on our meager, rocky, New England homestead. I’m more appreciative than you know that I have readers like you who enjoy sharing in my journey!

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