4 Modern Health Problems & What to do About Them (S5 E4)

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

Our Grandparents didn’t have these 4 health problems.

Let’s talk about 4 modern health problems, what causes them, and what we can do to prevent or reverse them.

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Poor Gut Health 

Poor gut health wasn’t a typical issue for our grandparents, but it runs rampant in our nation today. What factors contribute to so much poor gut health?

  • poor eating habits,
  • not enough time in nature,
  • too many sanitizing soaps and washes,
  • prescription drugs, and
  • too much stress, with not enough sleep,
  • Eating all processed  foods, and
  • eating without thinking–gulping food down leads to acid in the gut–will both disrupt the pH balance and natural flora of the stomach. 

How to Prevent This Modern Health Problem

Follow a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and whole grains.

Eat slowly by chewing food instead of gulping it down in a hurry.

Certain foods that are likely to trigger acidity or reflux include mint, fried foods, spicy foods, tomatoes, garlic, coffee, tea, carbonated beverages and alcohol.

Stay upright after eating. Finish eating three hours before going to bed.

Make your own kombucha and enjoy a glass or two daily. Save big time right now on my Simple DIY Kombucha masterclass.


Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

CVS is caused by staring at a computer screen all day. Not something our grandparents could have even imagined.

Symptoms include:

  • headache,
  • dry eyes,
  • blurred vision,
  • trouble focusing,
  • sensitivity to light and burning or red eyes.

How to Prevent This Modern Health Problem

Keep blinking.

Every 20 minutes, spend 20 seconds looking at something 20 feet away.

Avoid a lot of bright overhead lighting 

Use blinds and get an anti-glare screen.

Position the computer screen to reduce reflections 

Keep the monitor at least 20 inches away from your eyes. Its center should be about 4 to 6 inches below your eyes. 

See an eye doctor annually..


Tech Neck

Tech neck, also known as “text neck” is a reality for most folks today. But especially ones who spend an excessive amount of time on a computer or phone.

How to Prevent This Modern Health Problem

Hold your mobile device up to eye level when scrolling

Slightly tuck your chin and use your hand to “push back” your chin, causing your neck to realign.

Do shoulder rolls, making a capitol “D” with your shoulder blades.

Take breaks from your mobile device every 15 minutes. Set reminders to do that as well as shifting your position. 

Exercise regularly. A strong, flexible back and neck are more able to handle extra stress. 



Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

CTS is caused by the repeated motion of the wrist, as well as wrong positioning of the wrists while using your keyboard or mouse.

A painful, progressive condition, it occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed.

Beginning with pain, numbness and tingling in the thumb and the two fingers next to it.

If you CTS progresses it may even affect the rest of the hand and the forearm.

How to Prevent This Modern Health Problem

When sitting at a desk for many hours a day, make sure your arms are supported by your desk at a right angle by adjusting your chair.

Take breaks from work to relax your muscles.

Allow your hands to fall loose at your sides while you are reading on a computer.

Do stretching exercises that are geared towards keeping the wrists supple.

Relax the muscles and the nerves, facilitating circulation.



What a Deal!

Without our generous sponsors, this podcast wouldn’t be possible. And I only work with sponsors that offer products I use and love, so please give a look to this sponsor–one of my favorites–Redmond Ag. Go here to find out more about how their Soil Test Kit can help you grow so much more food this year.


Other Articles & Resources You Might Enjoy:


Growing Seedlings for Profit (article)

How to Use a Calendar to Improve your Health (podcast)

Tips for Improving Your Health, at any age (podcast)

My 7-page Pantry Checklist (free download)



I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1


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