8 thoughts on “When parents feel like failures”

  1. Thank you for this writing. I am gonna keep on failing!!! So wish I could have failed our 3 older children(adults). I did get to ‘fail” my child that just graduated with extensive learning delays. Now thoroughly ‘failing’ our youngest. I feel so much better.

  2. simplelifedreamer

    This was beautiful! I am fascinated with homeschooling, although I was not called to do it with my own kiddos. They are 6 and 8 and enrolled in a VERY parent active charter school that was founded by homeschooling families and it is a great fit for us. Even still I have my failure moments helping with homework and projects and keeping their brains active in the summer. Thanks so much for writing this!

  3. Beautifully said, Michelle! Hopefully my children become amazing successes! For all that I accomplish around here, there are millions of failures 🙂 Thank you for the encouragement!

  4. I think you’re exactly right. It’s in our weakness that God glorifies himself. The key to raising children is keeping your eyes on Jesus and asking for His help every step of the way.

  5. I enjoyed your perspective on this subject and enjoy your other posts. Wow you too have four girls. Please excuse my website below. I am still failing at WordPress 🙂

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