Why are so many people obese? (S5 E3)

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

Why are we an obese society? Does it matter & Can we fix it?

At the same time that we’re eating more daily calories than ever before and living much more sedentary lives than ever before, most Americans not genuinely invested in the food they eat, where it comes from, and how our food choices affect us.

We just need convenient food because we’re rushed and stressed.

Grabbing convenient food routinely, because we’re rushed and stressed, will always, of course, lead to obesity.

This scientific study at Harvard in 2019 concluded that ½ of the U.S. will be obese by 2030.

Find this info on S5 E3 of the Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy podcast, on any popular podcast player. Click here to listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts.

Or watch on youtube:


How do we define “obese”?

You are not considered obese until your body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be for your height. The most common way to determine whether or not you’re a healthy weight is through a little thing called the body mass index, or BMI. 

Here’s one BMI scale.

According to this study of obesity trends in the U.S., by the CDC, in 2010 an average man weighted 30 pounds more than he did in 1960. An 11 yr old boy? Nineteen more pounds.

If your BMI (body mass index) is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range

A few reasons BMI is not totally accurate:

  • It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build.
  • It may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle.


We’re obese because we’re rushed.

Carlo Petrini, the  founder of the International Slow Food Movement, said, “The quest for slowness, which begins as a simple rebellion against the impoverishment of taste in our lives, makes it possible to rediscover taste.”

So the first step is realizing our food is crap (Listen in to S3 E4 for more on that topic.)

Then we start to crave more time, time for sourcing and preparing real food. We do everything we can to slow down our schedule so we can make real food that we are suddenly craving.

Then the final step? We rediscover taste and a love for food.

I have found Mr. Petrini’s ideas to be true in my own life. I now enjoy making food more than ever. I get giddy happy when I mill flour or brew kombucha.

We’re obese because real food has a higher price tag

The cost of food pushes people toward extra pounds.

Fresh strawberries, for instance, offer about 40 calories for $1, while Halloween candy provides about 2,000 calories for the same $1, he said. 

Who benefits from our obesity?

There are enormous forces in society that benefit from people being overweight,

The diet industry benefits.

 The health care industry benefits. 

The drug industry benefits. 

The food industry benefits.


What are the benefits of being at a healthy BMI?

If you’re able to maintain a healthy BMI, you’ll reap these benefits (and more):

  • Prevent or manage cancer, diabetes, arthritis and so many other health problems
  • Fight depression and anxiety
  • Improves cognitive function

Old-Fashioned lifestyles tend toward less obesity.

When i looked back at my 6 tips i shared for weight loss (Listen in here: S4 E13) I realized they all correlate to an old fashioned lifestyle.

I don’t want to glamorize it…. I am very thankful to live in a world of modern conveniences and medical help, but I looked at my 6 tips through my grandmothers eyes:


Real food (gonna talk more about this in upcoming episodes)– but grandma had time to prepare real food. It was her main job really.


Sleep–with blue lights, addictive Netflix, and so many other reasons, we are a sleep deprived society. In grandmom’s days, when it got dark outside, you slept. 


Less stress (we have the world of problems in our hand, on video, all the time AND commentary about the problems AND friends opinions)


Exercise–moving their bodies was inherit in grandmom’s days, just to survive. 


Strong core (difference for my grandparents was that they did all they could to EASE their load.. And rightfully so… gmom focused on the home/kitchen gdad used tools and anything he could to get more work done easier. Still impt for homesteaders today to focus on strength training and focus on specific muscle groups–my example of band bridges and low back)


Also, I promised I’d try to relate each topic in this season to menopause…

Grandmom got a big waist in her menopause years. She was eating real food and getting natural exercise, BUT according to a study on obesity in menopause that i found in the national library of medicine  …..

There is a “ high prevalence of weight gain and higher risk of many diseases related to obesity, especially cardiovascular events and cancers, during menopause. However, gaining better understanding of the causes and mechanisms of weight gain during this time of life suggests that the occurrence of these unfavorable phenomena is not inevitable. They can be effectively countered by implementing the principles of a healthy lifestyle” so grandma did have a healthier lifestyle than today BUT she didn’t have access to so much knowledge that we have at the tip of our fingers… alot of the very things this season will focus on…


Also, researchers point out:

Not without significance is the attitude of the women themselves. Life after menopause can be a time dedicated to the development of their own interests, physical activity, reflection over the way of life and the implementation of healthy behaviors. 

Is there a solution to our obesity?

Yes! Here are 6 ways we can take back our health & improve our BMI… 3 about food, 3 about lifestyle..


1. RECOGNIZE/UNDERSTAND that major forces are gaining from your lack of nutrition. Take back the control. Don’t let the big guys win.


2. VALUE real food. Convenience is a LIE. it’s not what’s best for us (S4 E12)


3. RECALCULATE the cost of real food… not just based on the dollar but all the other factors. Then figure out where you can cut costs so you can buy good food. Get creative… 

buy about to expire food and freeze it. 

Stock up (for me, it was the can can sale). 

Don’t impulse buy at the store–stick to list. 

Buy in bulk (I love ordering from AZURE


4. MAKE ourselves get outside. And do it as a FAMILY


5. MAKE ourselves leave our phone behind or at least in our pocket.


6. MAKE exercise a priority. Last episode (S5 E2… listen here) we talked about how to use a calendar to motivate and inspire you. 


Don’t cop out and say “Oh i was in the garden and did a lot of shoveling today”… honestly, that’s more reason i need the low back exercises)

Learn ways to do it just 10 minutes a day.


So if you’re concerned about your BMI or just know you could be eating better, come back next week for Real food choices that help you LOOSE weight


Final Thoughts?

If you’re craving an unrushed, simpler life, start by UNDERwhelming your schedule so you have room—in your kitchen, in your family room, in your backyard garden— to overwhelm your life with the good stuff.

In the meantime, thanks for listening friends, on the Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy Podcast. I’d love to hear about your favorite tips for ways you make sure you are making healthy choices. Shoot those over to me over on Instagram.

And please take a second to leave a 5-star review hereEvery review makes a world of difference to me.

Join me every Monday morning for the next episode of the Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy podcast.

And remember, It’s easy to forget how blessed we are to live this life. So enjoy the simple, everyday efforts. It’s not easy, but it’s a good life.

In the meantime, thanks for listening friends. I’d love to hear about your fav tips for easy meals or easy packed lunches. Shoot those over to me over on Instagram and that’s it for today. Thanks for listening. And I’ll catch up with you on the next episode of the simple doesn’t mean easy podcast.


What a Deal!

Without our generous sponsors, this podcast wouldn’t be possible. And I only work with sponsors that offer products I use and love, so please give a look to this sponsor–one of my favorites–True Leaf Market. 

Only through April 30, 2023, enjoy $10 off any order of $50 of more (and FREE shipping on orders over $75!) with code PHOMESTEAD10

Shop all the amazing seeds, sprouts, cover crops, and more at my favorite seed company.

They also carry these storage lids I love, my fermenting kit, and these great jar lids.


Other Articles & Resources You Might Enjoy:

6 Kitchen Swaps You Need in Your Life

6 Tips for Loosing Weight During Menopause (podcast)

Tips for Improving Your Health, at any age (podcast)

My 7-page Pantry Checklist (free download)



I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1


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