Not counting minutes, just moments

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

I love perusing the photo card after she has borrowed my camera.


Her 11-year-old perspective is fascinating.


The angles she uses. The backgrounds she chooses.




And the subjects she gravitates towards.




Love seeing the world through a daughter’s eyes. Just need to stop and do it more often. And not only through images on a camera card. I need to allow time in the day when I’m not counting minutes, just moments. Those are the beautiful snapshots of a fulfilled life that we cherish for a lifetime. But her perspective on life, her background, her angles, they’re always changing. Sitting and talking for a few minutes about whatever is on her mind… without a computer or TV screen in front of us… without household distractions vying for my attention… surely that’s more important than updating my friends on Facebook or cleaning out the fridge.

This sweet girl in front of me, who loves crafting rainbow loom bracelets and befriending amphibians, she’s only here for an indiscernibly short time. I need to pay attention or our relationship, much more worthy of my attention than the wilting veggies in the fridge, will surely start to wither.

“Help me to number my days aright, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 39:4

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0 thoughts on “Not counting minutes, just moments”

    1. Yes we surely can! I learn something new everyday from them. I loved what I learned from your informative blog, as well… It very well may help me and my daughters to ID some plants in our new yard that we are unfamiliar with. Thank you!

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