Kitchen Essentials you can Make Yourself

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

Are there kitchen essentials you can make yourself? Absolutely! Not only will making them yourself save you money, it will also save you trips to the store.

But maybe the best part? You can make these kitchen essentials exactly the way your family likes them… saltier, spicier, or sweeter… whatever floats their boat, or butters their bread.

Kitchen Essentials you can Make Yourself

We’ve talked about this topic in numerous podcast episodes over on the Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy podcast, including the new episode: 5 Foods you Should Know More About (full disclosure: this was released on April 1st, just keep that in mind.)


In this episode we break down 4 categories of kitchen essentials that you definitely can make yourself.

Bread is one kitchen essential you can make yourself

Suave marketers had us all convinced, for way too many decades, that soft, pure white, ultra-processed, perfectly sliced bread in pretty cellophane packages –bread that lasts on the store shelves and in your pantry for months on end–is the way to go.

But here’s the thing… We not only CAN make our own breads, we will dramatically feel better if we do.

In fact, if we start milling our own flour for making our own bread we will see all kinds of benefits, even potential weight loss (since whole grains fill us up a lot better and more productively, with the good stuff). I just got this message on instagram today from a follower who has experienced the same thing:

whole grain flour helps with weight loss

How to Make Sourdough Bread, without discard

Make Sourdough Bread Bowls

Doubling your Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread Made with Fresh Milled Flour

Dinner Rolls Made with Fresh Flour

Candy–yes, you can make it yourself

One could argue that candy is not a kitchen essential, but I would argue we all crave it, at least occasionally, so why not have the good stuff on hand?

Make Maple Candy

Make Maple Sugar (& sprinkles!)

Make Maple Cream

That last one is so amazing it even made it to Fox News (a nationally syndicated reporter called me just last week and interviewed me for this article)

Fats are kitchen essentials you can make yourself

First thing we should clear up before I share some articles I’ve written about fats as a kitchen essential? Fats can be the good stuff, guys, despite the crazy things my generation believed from the commercials.

In fact, my friend RuthAnn Zimmerman and I went into great depth on this idea right here: Are Tallow and Lard Good Fats?

How to Make Butter

Complete Guide to Rendering Lard

How to Bake With Lard (& Why You Should)

Sugary drinks are kitchen essentials you can make yourself

Okay, okay, in no universe are sugary drinks essential in your kitchen BUT if you use complex, all-natural sugars they won’t spike your glucose levels and you’ll be adding essential nutrients to your diet. Read my Complete Guide to Sugars for lots of insights on this and for some help in choosing the best sugars for your family.

Then experiment with some of these recipes, tweak them until your family decides they’re perfect and you have a much better alternative than any sugary drinks you’d be buying at the store.

Make delicious homemade coke (soda)

Make Sweet Iced Tea that’s organic and delicious

Make a much-better Hot Chocolate Mix

Replace coffee with this tea

Try out some of our favorite Kombucha Flavors

Hope that got your wheels turning a little and has inspired you to start considering more kitchen essentials you can make yourself. Because let me tell you, once you catch the “bug” to do this thing, it gets pretty exciting.

Tell me about your pantry staple questions!

If you have any questions about making your own pantry staples, leave a comment below. And please tag me on ig to show me your own kitchen essentials that you make yourself! @souly.rested.

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Glance at my Resource Page if you’d like to get a glimpse of all the supplies I use and recommend for everything from gardening, to sugarmaking, to chicken care, to baking.

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26 thoughts on “Kitchen Essentials you can Make Yourself”

  1. Megan Fetentino

    I have bread in the oven, g cooking to try deli style honey ham, beans in the instapot with tallow and I made tea last night for ice tea! I am always trying to add more kitchen staples!

  2. Jessica Haas

    I just started my own Sour Dough starter journey. I didn’t hop on board during the pandemic. I made a beautiful starter and some amazing breads with it. I used the Sourdough Sandwich bread recipe that Ruth Ann Zimmerman posted a few months ago from another blogger and my husband loved it! Was so excited to find I could make a fabulous bread myself!

  3. Jodi Crabtree

    At the age of 55 I graduate with my masters this week. I have been so busy switching directions and reinventing myself that I have not been able to do any from scratch anything. I am so glad I found you. I am excited to get back to the basics and take control again.

    1. First of all CONGRATULATIONS!!! Such a fantastic accomplishment! And second of all you’re right you CAN’T do it all; none of us can. I hope following along with me here, and on instagram, will inspire you as you dip your toe back into more real food. 🙂

  4. I’m a mom to 6 and grandma to 7. I’m trying to figure out how to do all of these things on a smaller scale now that we have an empty nest!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    1. I feel your pain, but I’ve found certain meals that we love that either heat up very well for leftovers (I will sometimes make just enough to last for 3 meals for us, which we’ll eat over a 7-10-day period… most things keep well in the fridge for that time) OR meals that are super easy to portion out and freeze in meal-size portions. Give yourself grace and experiment and you’ll figure it out.

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