Investigating. Admiring. Worshipping.

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

A fascination with creation will never grow old.

A child will be mesmerized by creation for a lifetime if they are immersed in nature investigations at a young age. She, 15 short years ago, became entranced by a caterpillar inching its way along our patio. By the age of three, she had a butterfly-themed birthday and become an expert at correctly netting butterflies, caring for them long enough to name and ID them, then set them free.

Whenever she discovered beautiful wings in a field or parking lot, she would identify and learn all about the moth or butterfly they had belonged to, and we would preserve what she had learned in Our Backyard Book.


She went on to love reading about all things nature. Non-fiction books about anything nature were always her favorites, knowing the nature section at the library and reading every easy reader they had on shelf about insects, birds, and all things ocean.

Today, she longs to become a Marine Mammalogist. And she still thrills at capturing tadpoles to care for and watch them loose their tails, gain their legs and lungs, and explore creation as a new creature. To the point that it seemed completely natural to her to walk out of church one summer Sunday, walk to the pond with the elementary kids, and show them the right way to catch a tadpole. After parents had beckoned young ones, after the parking lot was empty, she was still at pond’s edge. Investigating. Admiring. Worshipping the Creator in the same wonderful way she has since toddler days.

Worshipping Him by simply enjoying His creation.


Over the past decade, I’ve helped my daughters keep Our Backyard Book, fostering their desire to know their Creator more intimately by admiring His creation.

If you’d like, click on each link here to read more about my family’s experiences learning about: mammalsamphibiansbirds, and nature studies in general.

 “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” Romans 1:20


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As soon as you subscribe, you can download a FREE copy of my popular ebooklet, 5 Things You Should Know About Nature Study, and you’ll have immediate access to multiple, printable ID pages to help you start a treasured Backyard Book with the kids.

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