Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle
I’m Kinda Obsessed With Maple Syrup
I kinda love helping folks who want to know how to make syrup. So I talk about it in workshops across the country and I write about it. A lot. You’ll find a ton of information about how to make maple syrup ere on the blog and in the pages of my new book, Sweet Maple. (aff link) And others interview me and write about it in fun places like Whole Foods Magazine and Mother Earth News.
Oh, and I eat syrup a whole lot too. In fact, I love baking with maple syrup. (Find out all you need to know to bake with maple syrup right here.)
So today I thought I’d pull together a small list of some of the podcasts and articles that you may love if you too have syrup on the brain, want to know how to use maple in the kitchen as an amazing alternative to refined sugar, or just want to know how to make syrup.
Meanwhile, if you’d like to peruse a list of products we use and love here on our sugarbush, this list right here is for you.
If you’d like a list of gift ideas that my favorite sugarmaker helped me pull together, you’ll love this article.

Podcast Episodes About How to Make Syrup
In this maple-infused episode of Jill Winger’s Old Fashioned On Purpose podcast hear two homesteaders discuss why homesteading (and sugarmaking!) matters & why this sugarmaker (moi) initially had a difficult time with the transition from living in suburbia.
Learn how to tap & make syrup & garner some baking tips for substituting maple syrup for refined sugar in your baking.
Listen in to 7 health benefits of maple syrup & learn how to use it in your kitchen every day on this episode of Pioneering Today.
This short episode on Lehman’s Solutions for a Simpler Life podcast, you’ll find out how one sugarbush got started & what’s so great about maple syrup.
This Backyard Bounty podcast episode isn’t so much about maple as it is about how to make my favorite drink in the world–kombucha–but it does explain how to make MAPLE kombucha, so I had to include it here. 😊
And Then There’s My Podcast…
Then there’s my own podcast, Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy. While it’s about all things simple living, maple syrup is, of course, a very big part of that for my family, so there will be many sweetly-inspired maple reverences and episodes. For instance, there’s this one, about the Science Behind the Syrup:
Magazine Articles About How to Make Syrup
I was thrilled to be featured in Where Women Create Work, the holiday 2019 issue, where I wrote about how to build a business around something you love (like making maple syrup) without selling products (like maple syrup). I also talked about this topic in this Facebook Live.
I expanded on my insights from that magazine article here in this post: How I Make Money Blogging.
And grab a copy of the January 2020 issue of Hobby Farms Magazine for another great print article–From Sap to Syrup.
On-line Articles About How to Make Syrup
Whole Foods Magazine interviewed me for their article on The Sweet Side of Life & harvesting natural sweeteners at home.
Lehman’s asked me to write a few maple-infused articles for them:
- How to make Maple Switchel and flavor Maple Kombucha. (Go here for the details on making maple kombucha.)
- How sugarmaking makes memories with teens (not to mention how it makes baking better!)
Capper’s Farmer asked me to share my Maple Butter Dog Bone recipe in their publication. Read that right here.
And I was elated when Mother Earth News asked me to write these articles:
- Learn why in our over-sugared culture we need maples syrup & why real food always trumps the alternatives.
- Read about what you need to know when buying maple syrup.
What Others Have Been Saying
If you’d like a peek inside my book, Sweet Maple, hop over to here. You’ll also be able to read lots of reader’s opinions and insights from the book.
And the reviews are in; here’s what others are saying about Sweet Maple:
You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. Psalm 18:28
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Find out why SoulyRested was considered to be one of the Top 20 Must-Read Homesteading Blogs of 2018 and then one of the Top Homesteading Blogs of 2019 as well.
Glance at my Resource Page if you’d like to get a glimpse of other supplies I use for maple syrup making (as well as gardening, homeschooling, homesteading topics, nature journaling, and more).
Many readers often ask what camera I use to take the images you find here on SoulyRested. I love my Nikon; you can read more about my camera and even purchase your own here.
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And please follow along!
Please take a second to follow along here on SoulyRested to catch up on a few of my memorable mishaps, discover fascinating things about my centuries-old farmhouse, glean a little parenting/homeschooling insight from this momma who’s been failing at the effort for almost 2 decades, or enjoy the inside scoop on the secrets other legit homesteaders might not tell you.
And have you tried my a-MAAHZ-ing Maple Sugar Cookie recipe that’s in my Resource Library?
Thank you for sharing your wisdom. It’s plain to see that you have a real love affair going on with maple, and who can blame you? ;0D I am working toward a no processed sugar lifestyle, and maple syrup sure helps a gal along that path. Looking forward to learning more from you.
Continued blessings in the New Year!
Thanks for your kind words Daisy. So glad you’re along for the ride! 🙂