
Shards of Little Moments

Bittersweet. Summer’s final breath. Boxes, a mini fridge, and baking pans neatly stacked in her van. An exuberant college Junior ready to return to friends and professors and her life, apart from me. This time of year always reminds me that amidst my feelings of sad separation spring joyous pride and immense gratefulness that God helped me

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Reaping a Harvest

Surely it had been bathed in the light of the Harvest Moon hundreds of times before–our little red cape that sits at the bend in the road. There where the lake greets the river in rolling melodies, spilling over the dam, the full moons of many Septembers have certainly rolled their bright lullabies over the humble clapboard walls

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Investigating. Admiring. Worshipping.

A fascination with creation will never grow old. A child will be mesmerized by creation for a lifetime if they are immersed in nature investigations at a young age. She, 15 short years ago, became entranced by a caterpillar inching its way along our patio. By the age of three, she had a butterfly-themed birthday and become

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Homemade Bug Spray

I always prefer homemade; so I figured why not homemade bug spray as well? If you’d like to keep unwanted creepy crawlies at bay, read on! DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links. ♥ We’ve discovered countless, fascinating insects since moving to our new farm. Some familiar. Some brilliantly unfamiliar. Some that are common, but seen through new eyes. We’ve

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Heart-shaped lessons from a white-tailed visitor

It was our first garden on our new homestead and we needed to learn how to deter the deer from dining on our veggies. The corn was getting just tall enough to offer real promise of delicious August meals. And the tomatoes were the size of bright green golf balls, starting to show hints of

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