
A Look at the Presidential Primaries (and the press)

When I first set up my blog, I knew there was one topic I’d never approach: politics. Or the press. But when I witnessed firsthand that the press is biased, well, I decided I have something to say. So today I’m gonna take a tiny break from writing about all that sweet stuff I love […]

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Training My Dog to Like My Birds in 5 simple steps

My sweet labradoodle is the smartest, most loyal dog I’ve owned. His loyalty is deeper than deserved. But training my dog to like my birds? For that I do deserve some credit. As I type tonight, my labradoodle is a black-and-gray-streaked crescent curled at my feet. His long nose wraps across his front paw to lie down parallel with my right

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A Look at the Presidential Primaries (the venues)

  The presidential primaries in NH are a snapshot into a government by the people, for the people. They, and the caucuses in Iowa, allow “we the people” to meet our future president in an intimate way not possible anywhere else–not possible in large, urban towns; not possible after the national excitement builds and crowds grow exponentially. The NH primaries are a

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Wanna be a modern homesteader? You need to have THIS attitude.

I come from a history of family farming. Needless to say, with that history of family farming comes a beautiful history of family stories. Family stories that are often treasured memories and unforgettable heartbreak woven together. The tapestry often turns out to be beautiful, in the end, and for that I am grateful. This past week my daughters and I

Wanna be a modern homesteader? You need to have THIS attitude. Read More »

Unique Yuletide Book Reports… yes, book reports

Every December we drag out a large box of unique book reports that my daughters began compiling many moons ago. Why would we revisit a crate full of elementary- and middle-school book reports every yuletide season? Because they aren’t chicken-scratch-filled, wide-ruled papers exuding uninteresting details of easy-reader books that no one will ever read again. They’re origami ocean creatures, Shrinky Dink Anne Shirleys, mini Sculpey clay cakes that

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Whoopie Pies in a Cookie You Can Make Tonight

Warning: the history or whoopie pies and recipe and all the can’t-resist calories that accompany this knowledge follow below. A Delicious Solution. A few nights ago I wanted something chocolate. (Who am I kidding? That’s every night.) She wanted something decadent. But neither of us wanted to spend long in the kitchen, because we had all christened the

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