3 Easy Easter Traditions (that are fun & educational!)

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

Three easy Easter traditions that my family could never do without? They’ve been part of our Easter celebrations since the girls were too young to even understand their significance. But in simple ways they help even little ones get a glimpse of the immensity of Christ’s amazing love. Read on for all the details.

easter traditions

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Since yet another blizzard hit our New England homestead this week, we have yet to dig all the way out from the foot of snow it dumped on us. Sadly, the continual drop in temperatures means no sap is flowing–with peak day temps not nearing the necessary 40-degree mark. Without warmer days (alongside freezing nights) no pressure builds up in the trees, the sap is lethargic, and our maple syrup “operation” is on hold. In fact, to date, we have only collected enough sap to make eight small jars of maple syrup.

So this week, while we dig out from the snow, watch the mallards stop in at our homestead along their spring migration route, and eagerly wait for warmer daytime temperatures, I’m putting together a post for you about our reverse osmosis filter–how to build one and why you would want one for DIY maple syrup production.

Take a minute to catch up on my ongoing DIY maple syrup series. And read on for three Easter traditions my family could never do without.




Dying Eggs All-Naturally

Every year, many weeks before Easter, the hankering starts. My daughters start debating about a new way to do a favorite, old tradition–Easter egg dying. But to date, by far, our most favorite options have involved all-natural dyes. Thankfully, the hens provide lots of “canvases” for us to experiment on. Read this post–All-natural Easter eggs–for more details.

And check out how I use onion skins and kombucha to make these gorgeous eggs.

How do naturally-dyed eggs point to Christ?

Christ’s sacrifice is something very unnatural and so undeserved, but through His sacrifice we can have new life. An egg beautifully portrays new life. And in God’s beautifully designed nature we can find so many ways to make our eggs–and our lives–bright and colorful.

There’s also the wonderful idea that parents love hiding eggs for their children to find, the same way Christ loves “hiding” blessings in our days, we just have to look hard sometimes before we see them and recognize that they are blessings indeed.

Making a Coconut Bunny Cake

A day or two before Easter, we then have to make THE cake. It was a tradition my mother always carried on with my daughters, a tradition from my own childhood. A tradition of the bunny-shaped coconut cake. If you haven’t already made one of these for yourself, you’ll be surprisingly shocked at how easy it is. Simply make 2 round cakes. Use one for the bunny’s face, then cut the second to form the bunny’s bowtie and his ears. Icing, cover with coconut, and decorate however your heart desires.

How does a bunny-shaped cake point to Christ?

When my children were little, I never wanted thoughts of the Easter bunny to take their focus off of Christ’s sacrifice that is the very reason we celebrate. Yet the bunny was everywhere. I decided to make thoughts of the Easter bunny always point them back to Christ. So I thought them at a very young age that bunnies were very fertile, explaining this meant they gave birth to new babies many times a year and that each time they had lots of babies. (Now that we live on a homestead where we raise bunnies, this idea is, of course, quite obvious.) So bunnies represent new life. Abundant new life.

I would often go on to explain that when we believe in Jesus, we are reborn and have a new life. An abundant new life.

Sign up for weekly delivery of my e-newsletter, and I’ll send you immediate access to my subscriber Resource Library, which includes a template for making an adorable bunny cake and many other resources, including numerous books you can download today.

Savoring Resurrection Cookies

On Easter Eve, we get out our Resurrection Cookie directions. Read more about Resurrection Cookies in this post.

How do meringue cookies point to Christ?

Every step of the way, with each new ingredient that you add to your cookies, there is a new Bible verse to read and a new lesson to learn that points to Christ.

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Easter traditions--a bunny cake

Easter traditions--resurrection cookies

I also learned, on our first Easter in our new life as rural homesteaders, that life on a farm is, in many ways, an allegory for Easter. I realized that an average day on a farm–not unlike Easter Sunday–can make someone realize God’s provisions and faithfulness in the midst of life’s difficulties and hard work. You can read more about that on this post.

I share my most treasured of all family Easter traditions (how I documented special memories on my daughters’ Easter baskets) in this fb live video this week:

Watch here for my quick and simple tips on organizing a BIG Easter egg hunt on a TINY budget.–>


And be sure to pin this post!

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Many readers often ask what camera I use to take the images you find here on SoulyRested. I love my Nikon; you can read more about my camera on my Resources page and even purchase your own here.

Glance at my Resource Page if you’d like to get a glimpse of all the supplies I use and recommend for everything from gardening, to homeschooling, to chicken care, to nature journaling, to maple syrup making.


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Please take a second to follow along here on SoulyRested to catch up on a few of my memorable mishaps, discover fascinating things about my centuries-old farmhouse, glean a little parenting/homeschooling insight from this momma who’s been failing at the effort for almost 2 decades, or enjoy the inside scoop on the secrets other legit homesteaders might not tell you.

I hope my focus always encourages you, because simple joys require hard work. Let’s face it, we all need all the encouragement we can get! As soon as you subscribe (in the box at the end of this post), you’ll have immediate access to my Resource Library, which includes many useful printables–including ones about crafts and how to clean a braided wool rug–my FREE EBOOKs, and amazing recipes for things like whoopie pie cookies, maple sap switchel, and my grandmom’s perfect pie crust. And soon there will be composting resources you don’t wanna miss!

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