One of the 1 out of 10 dentists who the commercials never tell you about (S5 E9)

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Michelle

In this episode (S5 E9) with Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, of Living Well With Dr. Michelle, we dig deep into all those areas that a wholistic dentist is that 1 out of 10 who the fluoride commercials never tell you about.

The 1 out of 10 who isn’t trying to sell you the lies we’ve been fed for decades.

The 1 out of 10 who helps us understand how dental health is truly connected to all our overall health and what we can do to improve all of the above. Simultaneously.

Who is Dr. Michelle Jorgensen?

Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, DDS, FAGD, TNC, BCTA is an author, health-based dentist, and health and wellness provider. During her own health journey, Dr. Michelle, after practicing dentistry for over a decade, Dr. Michelle became intrigued with the Health-Based Dentistry field.

She is certified as a Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor, a Certified Nutritional Autoimmune Specialist, and a Board-certified traditional Naturopath.

Where to Listen or Watch

Listen on Apple Podcasts here: Lessons From an Unconventional Dentist

Or listen here:

And watch here:


The 1 out of 10 dentists the commercials DON’T mention, with Dr. Michelle Jorgensen

In this episode:

  • How we know dental health greatly impacts our overall health
  • Dr. Michelle’s personal story that led her to see the inadequacies of traditional dentistry alone
  • All the interesting background stories that led to today’s incomplete views on how cavities develop
  • Research by Weston Price and Melvin Page in the 1930s that all dentists should be learning about in dental school.
  • What fats are the problems
  • What fats are necessary for us to consume the vitamins that are necessary to grow healthy bones and teeth
  • The two ways minerals must enter our teeth
  • Acid dissolves minerals & what this means for dental health
  • Can you drink acidic kombucha, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar, and eat tomatoes and still have healthy teeth
  • Why it’s important that our saliva reestablishes our mouth ph to neutral
  • The worst time to brush your teeth (this one will really surprise you)
  • Why sugar-free soda is bad for your teeth, even with zero sugar
  • What minerals that are lost when a cavity is forming
  • What it means that fluoride is not a naturally occurring mineral in the toothHow fluoride changes bone structure to make them more brittle
  • Details about hydroxyapatite and how it has been proven to strengthen, protect, and rebuild teeth and improve your health.
  • When fluoride actually makes you MORE susceptible to cavities
  • How & why fluoride interferes with the thyroid hormone
  • What fat-soluble vitamins (D3 and K2) and minerals are necessary to avoid clogged arteries and tartar-free teeth & why
  • Our Fight-or-Flight (sympathetic) system vs. our Rest-and-Refresh (parasympathetic) system and what about modern dentistry pushes our body into the first continually
  • Gum disease (75% of adults have some level of it) tooth infection and airway and breathing problems and how they push our body into permanent Fight-or-Flight mode and make it impossible to loose weight
  • Root canals and hidden infections that can be equated to “backing up a sewer”
  • Whole-head Cone Beam CT Scans and who absolutely needs one.
  • Dead zones that could be created where teeth are removed (and how they cause you to hold on to weight)


Resources Discussed in this Episode:

The study that shows almost 80% of the blood clots that lead to heart attacks are caused my dental bacteria: SOURCE

The Soil Test from this episode’s sponsor: SOIL TEST KIT (use code SOULYRESTED and save!)

That amazing sale on my Kombucha Master Class

Wholistic Dental directory (with focus on safe mercury removal)

Wholistic Dental directory (with a focus on infection info)

A resource written for laymen, by a dentist, that goes into great depth on all these topics and more: Healthy Mouth, Healthy You, by Dr. Michelle Jorgensen

Dr. Michelle’s Remineralization Supplements

Dr. Michelle’s Tooth Powder


Follow Today’s Guest:

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website: Livingwellwithdrmichelle


Other Articles & Resources You Might Enjoy:

Make your own (all-natural!) DIY Coke

Tips for Improving Your Health, at any age (podcast)

My 7-page Pantry Checlist (free download)

My FREE DIY Kombucha resource (including recipes)



I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1


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2 thoughts on “One of the 1 out of 10 dentists who the commercials never tell you about (S5 E9)”

  1. I’m so grateful you had Dr. Michelle on as a guest and that I happened to catch the episode (I’m now subscribed so I don’t miss any of them). I recently heard of remineralizing but I’m also very particular about additional ingredients in my toothpaste. I just placed my order and am excited to start using the tooth powder, great information, as always!

    1. I was thrilled to get to chat with Dr. Michelle in depth. She’s so knowledgable and fun to talk with too. If only she lived closer! (It’s next to impossible for me to find a holistic dentist in my neck of the woods.) Let me know what you think of the toothpowder. I LOVE IT and will never go back to anything else.

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