My family’s journey toward more real food has been a long, slow one. And I’m always figuring out new ways to improve things.
But I started with the basics first, the basic ingredients that you’ll find right here, on this page.
You’ll find even more on my FREE Pantry Checklist & sweet discount codes, just for you:
Sugars on my pantry checklist
While some know me as the Queen of Maple, the fact is I’m a huge fan of many complex, all-natural sugars. I really enjoyed my talk with David Steltzer, founder of my favorite direct food supplier, on this very topic. Listen to the episode (S7 E3) here or join in on our conversation on youtube:
Seasonings on my pantry checklist
Flour on my pantry checklist
If you want to mill your own flour, you’ll need high-quality wheat berries and a mill like mine. Or check out my Complete Guide to Choosing a Grain Mill for help deciding what mill is best for you. My #1 go to for all my wheat berries (I buy a large assortment, from spelt, to rye, to kamut, and so much more) is Azure Standard. Go here to see if Azure delivers near you. (And these bucket lids are the best way to store your berries.)
If you want to know more about all the many wheat berries I use and how to mill your own fresh flour, dive into my FREE resource right here.
Check out this article for more info on how to make sourdough bread without discard as well as how to start your own sourdough starter.
Staples on my pantry checklist
And don’t forget peanut butter–it’s so easy to make your own! Here’s my peanut butter recipe.
Dive into the healthy fat with my Complete Guide to Rendering Lard or buy the good stuff linked above for some of the most amazing healthy fat you can use in your kitchen.
How I Store my Bulk Food Items
Trust me, small, determined steps make a world of difference. So when I longed to eat a little healthier, I decided to start with the ingredients I use the most. One at a time–I’ve tried to source the best ingredients I can find.
In this podcast episode I break down 6 swaps you might want to consider in your kitchen. Click below or listen on apple podcast..
The Good-for-you Snack We Love:
Fill your air-popper to the fill line, for us that’s about 3/4 cup of these kernels.
Place a large bowl under the popper and get your toppings ready to add in layers, as the popcorn starts filling the bowl.
Drizzle avocado oil 2 or 3 times across the top of the popcorn kernels as they start to fill your bowl.
Quickly shake on popcorn salt and nutritional yeast, with each layer of oil.
You’ll need about 1/8 cup of avocado oil, 1/4 tsp of popcorn salt, and 1 TB of nutritional yeast for a large bowl of popcorn.
Why popcorn salt? It’s super fine, made to adhere perfectly to your popcorn instead of lining the side of your bowl. Use code SOULYRESTED to save when you stock up on some!

More Things You’ll Love:
6 Swaps You Need to Make in Your Kitchen ASAP
The Tools I Use Daily in my Farmhouse Kitchen.
A Conversion Chart for Swapping Natural Sugar for Refined
Download my FREE pantry checklist right here!
And you might love the whole third season of my podcast, all about real food ingredients. Find the Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy podcast here or on any podcast player. This might be the best episode to start with:
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Find out why SoulyRested was considered to be one of the Top 20 Must-Read Homesteading Blogs of 2018 and then one of the Top Homesteading Blogs of 2019 as well.
Glance at my Resource Page if you’d like to get a glimpse of all the supplies I use and recommend for everything from gardening, to homeschooling, to chicken care, to nature journaling, to maple syrup making.
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