4 ways to improve soil in your vegetable garden
I thought I knew a lot about gardening. My dad, an expert gardener, taught me a love to getting my hands in the dirt and growing some food. I’ve been doing it as long as I can remember.
But over the last few years, I’ve discovered 4 things that have upleveled my garden. And I’m never turning back.
1. Keep your garden soil well fed.
Whether it’s fall and you need to replenish what your soil has lost over the growing season or it’s spring and you want to get your soil off to the best start, use this all-natural soil amendment to feed your soil the microbes it needs to have a spark of life and be able to feed your plants well. Use code SOULYRESTED and save 15% off your entire order.
2. Get to know your soil.
Over the course of 2-3 years I noticed so many garden problems, that compounded. I thought I was diagnosing well, until I realized I was only making the problems worse.
After trying a soil test, I’m a firm believer.
Read About My Soil Results (and how I almost killed my garden)
I mean, it all starts with the soil. We can’t grow good food without good soil.
This Soil Test Kit is a game changer… Use code SOULYRESTED and save 15% off your entire order.
Go ahead and grab 3-4 and make sure all your gardens or areas where you’re growing berries or other fruit are thriving with the best soil. Bonus: shipping will be free.
You won’t regret it. Unless your over abundance of good food leads to more than you can handle…

3. Plant cover crops.
I have great respect for this company and have always ordered my cover crops from them, with great results, every time. Go here for my Ultimate Guide to Cover Crops.
4. Don’t deplete your soil when you feed your plants.
This organic, liquid fertilizer is like none other I’ve ever tried. And the results have been amazing. Bonus: free shipping in the U.S.
Get the full scoop…
Watch or listen in to episode 129 of the Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy podcast for the full details on these 4 changes that have changed EVERYTHING for my gardens:
- soil test Take 15% off w code SOULYRESTED
- soil amendment Take 15% off w code SOULYRESTED
- organic fertilizer BONUS: free shipping in U.S.
- cover-crops