I think you’re going to love every detail that comes into your inbox this week about fresh flour, now that you’re all signed up for this totally FREE 4-part e-course.

  1. On the first day we’ll talk about wheat berries… what to look for, where to get them, and what kind you want to get to produce the most delicious baked goods.
  2. Then, on day 2, we’ll go over the 4 main reasons folks mill their own grain (1 or 2 you’ve probably never thought of). And we’ll talk about choosing a mill.
  3. Day 3 is a meaty one, with 5 tips you want to know about baking with fresh flour. And I share how and why I store both my fresh flour and my wheat berries.
  4. Then on the final day I’ll walk you through my kitchen and share links to every product I use for making and baking with fresh flour. (Including how I store both my wheat berries and my flour.)

But no need to wait to dive into all this goodness.

I just sent an introductory email to your inbox with links to where you can buy wheat berries (one of the first things people ask me) and other goodies.

I always purchase a 25-pound of wheat berries, and they fit well in a 5-gallon bucket (but more about that on Day 3).

So let’s do this!






p.s. Check your “other” or “junk mail” boxes if you don’t see the first email right away. If it went to one of those, take a second to “whitelist” the soulyrested email address so your email provider knows to send future emails to your inbox. These articles may help you if you’re not sure how to do that: click here or click here. Hope that helps!